
10.01.2019 | Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Publication

Snap parliamentary elections were held in Armenia on December 9th, 2018. 11 parties and electoral alliances participated in this election,…


17.12.2018 | News, Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Event

In September, the Armenian Prime Minister introduced the idea of implementing a flat scaled taxation system in Armenia. He argued that to attract…


26.10.2018 | News, Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Event

In times, where burning bridges becomes more and more fashionable, it is – sadly - of a certain rarity yet of outmost importance to carry out projects…


26.10.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Minimal standards of protection defined by the Association Agreement apply to all employees despite the field and nature of activities. How this…


23.10.2018 | News, Participation and Democracy, Regional, Event

FES Fall Academy on Economic Development strategies in South Caucasus took place in place in Kvareli, Georgia, on 20-23 of September. Participants…


23.10.2018 | Peace and Security, Regional, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Publication

This report represents the analysis of qualitative research findings on the major challenges of

Azerbaijan’s and Georgia’s policies on countering…


12.10.2018 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

Georgia: A Social Democratic Peasant Republic, illustrates Kautsky’s vision of what a functioning social democratic state should look like. Kautsky…


10.10.2018 | Participation and Democracy, Regional, Event

Regional Lab 2018: Young leaders for a Social and Democratic South Caucasus gathered active young leaders from all three South Caucasus countries in…


10.10.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

"FDI can potentially support the economic development, but country's economic development should be based on comprehensive economic development…


18.09.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Labour inspection and workplace safety laws had to take a backseat in 2006 in Georgia after setting the focus on deregulation and economic growth. But…


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