
18.09.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Labour inspection and workplace safety laws had to take a backseat in 2006 in Georgia after setting the focus on deregulation and economic growth. But…


01.06.2018 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

"One hundred years ago, on May 26, 1918, in the midst of international conflict and Russia’s imperial collapse, members of the Georgian National…


29.05.2018 | Peace and Security, Regional, Georgia, Publication

NATO is caught up in a serious crisis. Its meaning and purpose is a subject of controversy – a return to territorial defense in the East or…


23.05.2018 | News, Peace and Security, Georgia, Event

On May 16-17, 2018 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) and Stratpol –…


14.04.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Regional, Armenia, Georgia, Publication

Is the state an obstacle to innovation processes? Does austerity policy protect us from economic crisis? The following contributions by Andrae Gaerber…


23.03.2018 | News, Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication, Event

Due to alarming tendencies of dismissals of public servants, the Institute of Justice and Development together with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Georgia…


29.01.2018 | Peace and Security, Georgia, Publication

Union "XXI Century", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Georgia

Tbilisi, 2017


04.01.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

The financial market crisis had a massive impact on "funded" pensions. Although the crash was followed by a recovery, the fragility of the financial…


03.01.2018 | News, Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Event

Although there is a consensus within the Georgian society that a decent pension should be guaranteed for every citizen, the exact method on how to…


03.01.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Poverty alleviation remains one of the key challenges for Georgia, as for any sovereign country. According to our calculations, in 2016, every seventh…


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