
07.11.2016 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Georgian Trade Unions Confederation, Public Defender (Ombudsman) of Georgia, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Tbilisi, 2016


28.10.2016 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Association "European Time", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Tbilisi, 2016


28.09.2016 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia underwent a complete deindustrialization. At that time, dozens of factories were destroyed or sold for…


28.09.2016 | News, Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Event

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and Organization "Women for Justice" held a summarizing conference of the joint project on women's political engagement on…


25.04.2016 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Event

For the past decade the neoliberal slogan “the best industrial policy is no industrial policy” has prevailed in Georgia. In response the FES, in…


01.01.2016 | Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Georgia, Publication

Social democracy – isn’t the term self explanatory? It implies the promise that democracy always should be socially balanced and available to all…


08.10.2013 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

The smooth transfer of power to the opposition following Georgia’s parliamentary election of October, 2012 was an unexpected and pleasant…


08.09.2013 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

The paper is a comparative analysis of Georgian laws and institutions as well as rights and duties in the field of labor protection, and the…


07.09.2013 | Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Georgia, Publication

“What would a fair and solidarity-based economic order look like? What kind of balance must be found between state and market? How can a modern,…


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