
Dialogue on Labour Market Policy and Bilateral Cooperation - Visit of a Delegation from the Armenian National Assembly and Ministry of Labour and Social Issues of the Republic of Armenia to Berlin

We are very pleased to have organised a study and dialogue program for a delegation from the Armenian National Assembly to discuss key labour market and economic policy issues with experts and representatives of German institutions. The aim of this visit was to gain insights into German approaches to these topics in order to further advance the ongoing reform processes in Armenia. The focus was on issues of labour market integration, securing skilled workers and the further development of social partnerships and equal participation rights.

During their stay, the delegation visited various institutions, including employment agencies, to discuss current challenges in retraining, qualification and job placement. The group was also received by Niels Annen, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, to discuss the bilateral cooperation between Germany and Armenia in the social field. A meeting at the Federal Chancellery explained the Chancellery’s impact on the labour market policy. The visit gave the delegation also the opportunity to discuss the role of trade unions, co-determination and the importance of social partnership in Germany.

We hope that this visit will contribute to strengthening German-Armenian cooperation and provide valuable impulses for a reform process in Armenia.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung South Caucasus Office

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0002, Yerevan
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