
Assessment of More Than 25 Years Old and Newly Built Hydro Power Plants in Georgia

The World faces serious environmental challenges, that are caused by the human activities and climate change. Amount of the natural disasters has been significantly increased during last decade. Eventually, all of the above affected Georgia as well.

Georgia aims to achieve long-term safety in energy sector, but country still depends on imported resources and fossil fuel. Lack of renewable energy use and energy resource exploitation is still a problem.

Meanwhile, in energy sector, during last six years, Georgia had average 5% increase in power consumption, it particularly increased up to 7% in last two years.  The figures are quite alarming.
Based on the above-mentioned it is obvious, that increase of national generation sources is essential.
One of the ways for problem solution is to modernize and renovate old HPP park, that with less financial expenses and shorter period will increase the exploitation level and indicator. Researches on six HPPs, showed that detailed technical audit must be conducted on power plants condition assessment and determine specific activities for the effective operation and maintenance of the existing plants and machines.


Anzor Dundua, Tamaz Vashakidze and Nugzar Uplisashvili

Greens Movement of Georgia – Friends of Earth, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Tbilisi 2019

South Caucasus Office

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