Working Poor in Armenia

Does employment always ensure a decent life for the households and who are “working poor”?

“Working poor in Armenia” research addresses these questions, presenting theoretical approaches to the concept of "employed poor" or "working poor", the methodology of calculation of the concept in a number of countries around the world, domestic and international statistics, as well as calculations of the distribution of working poor by the level of education, gender and age, using the data from the unnamed micro database of integrated household living standards survey of the Statistical Committee of Armenia . The research aims to address in more depth the problems of people who, being engaged in various sectors of the economy, are still unable to ensure decent living standards for themselves.

“The Working Poor in Armenia” research was conducted by non-resident experts of "Amberd" Research Center of ASUE Associate Professors Lusine Karapetyan (PhD) and  Maria Sahakyan (PhD with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

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