A Consensus Proposal for a Revised Regional Order in Post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia

Disputes over the regional order in post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia are at the core of the breakdown in relations between Russia and the West and have created major security and economic challenges for the states caught in between: first and foremost Ukraine, but also Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Current policy approaches toward the regional order — i.e., the set of rules, norms, and institutions that govern the region — have exacerbated today's disorder and instability.

The authors of this volume offer a comprehensive proposal for revising the regional order. The proposal, which addresses the security architecture, economic integration, and regional conflicts, was devised by three groups of experts convened by the RAND Corporation and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung's Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe. Each group included representatives from the West, Russia, and the states in between them.

The approach proposed by the authors would boost regional security, facilitate increased prosperity, and better manage the long-standing conflicts in the region while increasing the chances of settling them. The revised order would thus limit the major-power confrontation in the region, stabilizing the overall competition between Russia and the West. Most importantly, the proposal would not cross any state's declared red lines, and thus might plausibly be acceptable to all of them. This vision for an alternative future would represent a significant improvement over the status quo.

Contributors: Samuel Charap, Jeremy Shapiro, Alexandra Dienes, Sergey Afontsev, Peter Balas, Rodica Crudu, James Dobbins, Vasyl Filipchuk, Diana Galoyan, Ulrich Kuhn, Andrei Popov, Yauheni Preiherman, Pernille Rieker, Nikolai Silaev, Olesya Vartanyan, Andrei Zagorski

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