
Feeling safe at school - a fundamental right of every child

To achieve further democratization within an inclusive society, the FES Armenia provides among other things also civic education & capacity building for schoolteachers.

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Since 2018 we have been working with teachers on issues such as basic human rights, corruption, elections, participatory teaching mechanisms, social equality and bullying in schools.

In 2021, the NGO “Global to Local” started a large-scale bullying prevention project that included training of trainers, interactive theater performances for schools, filming educational materials for classroom discussions as well as preparing a drama performance to be staged soon at Yerevan Drama Theatre.

Training of trainers was based on the well-known Olweus bullying prevention methods. It was conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Armenia. To learn more, we recommend the following short video clips.

South Caucasus Office

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N. Ramishvili str.  I Dead End, Bldg. 1, Ap. 7
0179, Tbilisi
+995 32 225 07 28

Armenia Office
Moskovyan str. 31, 76/1
0002, Yerevan
+374 10 53 69 13
+374 10 53 26 97