
Generation in Transition: Youth Study 2016 - Georgia

The study at hand explores the worries, aspirations, values and lifestyles of Georgia’s youth. Youngsters that are aged between 14 and 29 years today, who grew up after the break-down of the Soviet Union and in an independent Georgia. They are an important indicator for the relationship to the Soviet legacy on one hand, and to the future development of their society on the other...


The research involved a country-wide, representative survey that was conducted from May to June 2016 in Georgia among the youth aged between 14 and 29 years.They draw an interesting picture of Georgian youth by showing the challenges of young Georgians in terms of private, economic, and political life.

The study “Generation in Transition -Youth Study Georgia– 2016” initiated and funded by Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) Georgian Office.



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