Labour Conditions in Armenian Service Sector

Almost one fifth of employees in supermarkets and fast food cafés of Armenia works without a written contract, a third came to work sick during the last 12 months prior to the survey.

The average net salary in the sector is 135.000 AMD (ca. 240 €) monthly. When asked what kind of salary was needed to live a normal live, respondents indicated an average of 370.000 AMD (ca. 660 €). 23,4 % of Yerevan workers receive additional financial support from their parents. These are some results of a study jointly conducted by FES Armenia and the Chair of Social Sciences and History of Sociology at the Yerevan State University. The qualitative and quantitative poll has been conducted in 2020-21. Please follow the link below to download the full publication (in Armenian only).

[Labour conditions in Armenian service sector]

Vershyan, Harutyun; Michikyan, Srbuhi; Ghalamdaryan, Arne

[Labour conditions in Armenian service sector]

Tiflis, 2021

Download publication (20 MB, PDF-File)

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