
Minimum Wage in Georgia - Public Perspective

Policy debates regarding a reasonable minimum wage in Georgia have achieved some attention in recent years. Both the Georgian Trade Unions and a group of MPs proposed legislation in parliament, although none of the initiatives have gained much traction.

Georgian employers are obliged to pay a mere GEL 20 monthly minimum wage, a requirement which has existed in Georgia since 1999. Critics highlight that Georgia’s minimum wage has never been adjusted to inflation, real wages, or changing living standards. Georgia’s minimum wage fares far lower than those in other post-socialist countries. While debates on a minimum wage have taken place in Georgia, relatively less is known regarding what the public thinks about the idea.

The principal goal of this study is to chart Georgians’ attitudes towards minimum wage and assess perceptions of a decent value for a minimum wage.

David Sichinava, Makhare Atchaidze

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Caucasus Research Resource Center, Tbilisi 2020

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