
Referencing EU Blueprints to Renovate Armenian Labour Law

Labour is a cornerstone of society, supporting communities and enabling advancement. To individuals, it is not merely a means of meeting the basic need for income, but a vehicle for self-development and fulfillment. The state has a responsibility to protect this fundament by establishing and upholding respectable labour rights standards, which include ensuring the normative regulation of employment relationships, promoting social partnerships and providing mechanisms for the protection of labour rights.

The Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed in 2017 between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia emphasized labour policy as a priority area for progress. This publication therefore compares the current Armenian Labour Code to EU human rights standards in an effort to highlight discrepancies and develop recommendations for improvements to the Armenian legislation.

Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Yerevan, Armenia, 2019.

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