
Screeneng of "Dolma Diaries"

"Dolma Diaries" Screening initiated discussion on "power" of films during the conflicts.

Three-country web series with a humorous human story about three students from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan who share an apartment in Berlin to overcome resentment and enemy images between the peoples of the region with fictional storytelling and humor were received positively by youngsters in the region and is online with new episodes!

Watch it on Youtube:


Director of the Series Oliver Müser, GO Group from Georgia and group of creatives from all three South Caucasus countries as well as from Germany were supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, German Foreign Office and German Candid Foundation.

South Caucasus Office

Georgia Office
N. Ramishvili str.  I Dead End, Bldg. 1, Ap. 7
0179, Tbilisi
+995 32 225 07 28

Armenia Office
Moskovyan str. 31, 76/1
0002, Yerevan
+374 10 53 69 13
+374 10 53 26 97