
Simulation Game on education in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and Russia

The project “Simulation Game on education in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and Russia (SGE)” aimes to promote the principles of social justice,equal opportunities and participation in the education system by all groups of society through awareness rising, and address challenges such as the accessibility on education and equality of opportunities.

Simultaneously, it is a basis to discuss similarities and differences within the EaP countries and Russia which are connected through their common past. The project itself is an innovative concept and illustrates the specifics of the education system of the countries, that have gone through very difficult transition and are striving to achieve a new level of development.

South Caucasus Office

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0179, Tbilisi
+995 32 225 07 28

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0002, Yerevan
+374 10 53 69 13
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