
Training of Trainers: Do not only talk about democracy

One of the prerequisites for democratization is the participation and active contribution of youth in politics and society.

In order to encourage participants of seminars for active engagement, this training was about interactive and participatory formats that give a change to the well-known lectures and panel debates. The seminars held in Tbilisi and Yerevan in June 2016 gathered representatives from civil society to work for 2,5 day with two experts on civic education (Planpolitik). The training empowered them to transfer these inclusive methods to their own working context.

South Caucasus Office

Georgia Office
N. Ramishvili str.  I Dead End, Bldg. 1, Ap. 7
0179, Tbilisi
+995 32 225 07 28

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0002, Yerevan
+374 10 53 69 13
+374 10 53 26 97