My Street, our City - Stories from Matsantsara District. Telavi

The book - "My Street, Our City - Stories from Matsantsara District" tells about the past and present of the district at the same time and offers interesting views for the study and development of the historical district.

The book "My Street, Our City - Stories from Matsantsara District" is a summary document of the project of the same name. The project was implemented in 2020-2022 by the Center for Community Development, with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and its goal was to research the past and present of one historical district of the city of Telavi, and to encourage discussions on the ways of its future development with the involvement of the population. Within the framework of the project, historical, sociological and green space researches and several neighbourhood meetings were carried out. More than 40 interviews with residents were recorded, which also contributed to neighbourhood memory research.

The book - "My Street, Our City - Stories from Matsantsara District" tells about the past and present of the district at the same time and offers interesting views for the study and development of the historical district. We hope that this approach will become an important experience for those interested in similar studies and will make it easier for the city managers to deal with the future development of the district.

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