
Massive Open Online Course on “Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy”

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Russian speaking online-course on “Workers’ rights in a Global Economy.” Activists of workers’ movement, trade union members and all those who are interested in global workers' rights are welcome to join.

In this unique interdisciplinary online course all important aspects of international labour rights are explained and discussed. Beyond that, certain tools and strategies which could be used for implementation and monitoring of labour rights will be introduced. The course had been developed by an international team of experts from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine as a cooperation between the Global Labour University and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. It is build up upon a combination of video-lectures, reading materials, internet-resources and interviews with activists and experts in the sphere of labour.


When?                  March 1st 2017, duration: 6-week, study load: 4 hours per week.


Where?                 Everywhere in the world, only an internet connection is needed.


For whom?           Trade union activists and all those willing to learn about workers’ rights in a global economy in Russian language.


Fees?                    The course is free of charge (without certificate). The graduation with a certificate costs 49 EUR, however the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung will submit special vouchers to those course participants who will have successfully completed 80% of the course.       

South Caucasus Office

Georgia Office
N. Ramishvili str.  I Dead End, Bldg. 1, Ap. 7
0179, Tbilisi
+995 32 225 07 28

Armenia Office
Moskovyan str. 31, 76/1
0002, Yerevan
+374 10 53 69 13
+374 10 53 26 97