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218 results:
| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication
Georgia - labor protection and safety
The paper is a comparative analysis of Georgian laws and institutions as well as rights and duties in the field of labor protection, and the legislation of EU (Eastern European) countries.  
| Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Georgia, Publication | Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Georgia, Publication
Social Democracy Reader 2 - Economics and Social Democracy
“What would a fair and solidarity-based economic order look like? What kind of balance must be found between state and market? How can a modern, value-oriented social democratic economic policy…  
| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication
Monopolies in Armenia
The current economic policy practices of the Republic of Armenia do not secure market competitiveness, nor does the country have in place the proper mechanisms for regulating the existence and growth…  
| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Publication | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Publication
Social Reforms in Armenia
The series of studies, “Social Reforms in Armenia,” commissioned by the Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation (HMF) and made possible through the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) provides a timely…  
| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication
Report on Armenian trade unions 2010
Report on Armenian trade unions : problems, challenges and needs / R. Sargsyan, L. Balyan, N. Nersisyan, A. Petrosyan ; editor: R. Giragosyan ; APR Group, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. - Yerevan :…  
Search results 211 until 218 of 218