
28.01.2019 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Since independence, Georgia has experimented with neoliberal economic reforms. One of them is the current flat income tax system. While positive…


24.01.2019 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Most of developed as well as developing countries regulate the Minimum Wage by law. The Minimum Wage for countries vary and all serve some degree of…


18.01.2019 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Gender Equality is a challenge for Georgia - changes are needed also at the legislative level. By signing the Association Agreement with the EU in…


14.01.2019 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

On 13 June 2018, the Georgian Parliament passed the Law on Social Work. The new law is a step forward to enhance and strengthen social work in…


10.01.2019 | Participation and Democracy, Armenia, Publication

Snap parliamentary elections were held in Armenia on December 9th, 2018. 11 parties and electoral alliances participated in this election,…


26.10.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Minimal standards of protection defined by the Association Agreement apply to all employees despite the field and nature of activities. How this…


23.10.2018 | Peace and Security, Regional, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Publication

This report represents the analysis of qualitative research findings on the major challenges of

Azerbaijan’s and Georgia’s policies on countering…


12.10.2018 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

Georgia: A Social Democratic Peasant Republic, illustrates Kautsky’s vision of what a functioning social democratic state should look like. Kautsky…


10.10.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

"FDI can potentially support the economic development, but country's economic development should be based on comprehensive economic development…


18.09.2018 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

Labour inspection and workplace safety laws had to take a backseat in 2006 in Georgia after setting the focus on deregulation and economic growth. But…

