
21.12.2021 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

Georgia’s post-soviet experience of democracy continues to shape the dominant model of party formation to the present day, with most new entrants to…


06.12.2021 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Georgia, Publication

This study presents attitudes and perceptions of people living in Georgia and Russia towards each other.


| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication

Early motherhood is a very sensitive period in a woman's life and she should be sure that her labor rights will not be violated just because she is…


24.11.2021 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication

To achieve further democratization within an inclusive society, the FES Armenia provides among other things also civic education & capacity building…


| Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

The aim of the study is to assess usage of legally defined participation mechanisms in the governance processes, specifically deliberative body of the…


22.10.2021 | Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication

FES supported the research project “The Formation of Communities as a Social-Spatial Practice Peculiarities of the community enlargement reform in the…


22.10.2021 | Peace and Security, Armenia, Publication

The research allows us to conclude that Armenia’s foreign policy aimed at gaining an international status due to which Armenia would stand out…


18.10.2021 | Participation and Democracy, Georgia, Publication

Georgia’s political landscape has two empty spots: Liberal Left and Conservative Right. Moreover, an extreme polarization in party politics seems to…


| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication

Almost one fifth of employees in supermarkets and fast food cafés of Armenia works without a written contract, a third came to work sick during the…


| Social Justice, Economy and Labor, Armenia, Publication

The FES Armenia continues making literature available about social democracy in essay language.

